This weekend we adopted another "rescued" kitty. A friend of ours at church mentioned to us that she had some kittens they were trying to get rid of. Evidently her coworker found the 4 kittens under a lawnmower and wanted to put them to sleep.
We had already been talking about getting another playmate for Tofu, and decided there was no better time than the present. So after church we met the two remaining kittens and picked out a very friendly & playful little orange tabby boy kitty.
Tofu was NOT AT ALL happy about the her new little playmate and spent the rest of the day in a rather sour mood - growling, hissing, sulking...
Today (Sunday) there has been much success! I encouraged the kitten to play with some toys which intrigued Tofu. She watched him play and eventually they were both playing and interacting with each other, positively. :)
Here are a few more photos:
He is such a friendly little guy - Loves to cuddle & purr.
I think he'll make a great lap kitty.
UPDATE: Monday morning they were taking turns chasing each other around the living room, playing "tag". They both seemed to be having fun, I think... I'm sure it's mostly just part of the process of establishing their roles & respect for each other, but at least they weren't growling or hissing! :) Jane11 will try to take the kitten to the vet sometime today to get him checked out - shots, blood test, etc...